
Through The Woods: Book Review

I have been away for quite some time now. Many changes in my atmosphere have deterred me from my posts but I’m excited to share that I have planned to stick to my 2017 Reading Challenge  and I have a review to share today!

Through the Woods by Emily Carroll


This graphic novel sent shivers down my spine, not the kind you rather enjoy.

I went through half of the stories and felt it would be better suited to finish in October for more of a thrill factor. This is the first graphic novel I’ve read since being a young girl and I am hooked!



Emily Carroll does a magnificent job with the illustrations and makes it difficult to pull away from these eerie shorts. The stories gave me a sense of the Brothers Grimm classic fairy tales. Anyone looking for a beautifully dark and creepy read should definitely pick this up.

Happy Reading!

x Steph


I Can Hear It All


New waves of sounds crash through my body. Awakening things that have been at rest for far too long. The world is new again and I smile. I turn the music up and dance like no one is watching. My body does things I’ve wanted it to do for a long time and it makes me feel more alive. Volumes of love, life, pleasure, excitement, prosperity, adventure, surround me and I welcome it all with arms wide open. These volumes of a beautiful life I will never turn down. I’m turning up the volume of gratitude. I am grateful for this life and all that has been presented to me. I am new, I am happy, and I am raising the volume to my success.








© Stephanie Cardozo and, 2017.



Lightning strikes

The world is changing as we know it. The sky is bigger, brighter than I remember it.

Blinding me from the truth that was unfolding in front of me. Blinded because it was easier not to see. But it wasn’t.

This sky, my sky, now covered in dark clouds, let out a roar. Down came the wishes, hopes, and dreams. Down came the love. When I slowly opened my mouth to taste this love one last time, wet, salty, it tasted dark and nothing like I knew before.

This downpour continues and reaches far away lands, unifying loved ones of what this storm has brought upon the world that we knew.

Realizing now, life becomes far too great of a storm for some to weather.

Knowing the things I know, seeing the things I’ve seen, like lightning striking the tree of life standing before me, as it bursts into crimson and orange, I know as I stand close to this tree, so close to my very being, as it begins to singe the tiny hairs on my arms, I am still standing tall.

As the tree falls before me, I smile and speak into existence, “Thank you for releasing me.” I am no longer part of this darkness.

I am unbreakable.


This Life

Every morning I wake up with my new eyes. These eyes that were blinded for some time, now awoken by realities that have challenged me in the deepest manner. I am grateful for the challenge. I know I’ve said it before but it’s something I must tell myself every single day I open these eyes and my heart continues to beat. I have to be grateful for such challenges because I feel that I am now living my truth. Things must happen in our lives that either make us or break us. But who makes that choice? The issue doesn’t, the world doesn’t, whoever may have caused this challenge in your life, if it wasn’t you, does not make the choice if it will make or break you. YOU make that choice. I realize that I can’t control what others do or what happens around me. What I do have full control of is what I do, what I decide, the person I will be in whatever situation, in my life. In having full control of my own actions and emotions, I have the power to deal with whatever comes my way. No matter how difficult the situation. I have allowed my authentic self to lie dormant for reasons I now see were quite silly. However, I have moved passed it. I know things happen for a reason and my purpose, my truth has been revealed to me by the only person with that power. ME! We don’t have to feel like this life is something we must Survive. This life is meant to be lived and we are the authors of our stories. If we don’t like it, rewrite it.



I Am In Love….

I am in love with this life. I could not say this before. For I was Evanescent, knowing but not really. My heart swells with emotion, with life. I think of time I have lost and I make vows to myself and the universe. Vows, affirmations, gratifications, that turn into manifestations. Signs I closed my mind to in the past, signs that are so clear to me now. It is never too late. It is never too late to have all that you want. To have all that I want. It’s a powerful thing, believing in something greater than myself. Something greater that is at work, for me and through me. Every breath is more precious than the last, every step, closer to all that is mine. I have a deeper sense of things and It’s a feeling I never want to leave my bones. Everything has a purpose, things happen to awaken things inside of us. At our most uncomfortable, we become more alive. We become warriors of our own heart, mind, spirit, and life.


Om Symbol with flower


Where Did The Time Go?


 Finding time and making time are two very different things. Stop trying to find time like it’s this lost item at the bottom of your drawer.

 This is something I have been telling myself lately. I am guilty of letting time pass me by and continuously saying, “I just don’t have enough time do the things I want to do.”

The reality of it is, I simply wasn’t trying to make the time. After all, time is already there, it’s already ours, we just need to use it wisely. Even if that means giving ourselves a little bit of work. I have made so much time available to me, time that has always been there but I was taking for granted. I have made a vow to myself, something I have not done with this much intensity. Like a bear in hibernation, this part of me was asleep, idle, for so very long. I vow to do the work that needs to be done, not just for my family, but for myself. It all starts with yourself, after all. And so, I will no longer float Adrift like a lost boat paddle in the middle of the sea. The story of my life is much greater than that. I am much greater than that.

Fitness, Health, Inspiration, Life, Wellness


I feel so amazing after this practice! I really felt the burn in my core! I had a great full body experience and it awakened endorphins that shot my mood up to the sky! I am so happy that I am getting back into a healthy routine. Not only for my body but most importantly for my mind. Lately, I have been working really hard on changing the way I think and in turn, how I feel. About myself and the life I want to live. Incorporating positive body movement is something I am no longer taking for granted. And so, I encourage my readers to try this practice to awaken all the positive energy within you! It will absolutely brighten your day!




The Maze

Two inseparable lovers have walked into a maze hand in hand. Their curiosity guided them deeper into the maze, holding on to each other as if life were about to end.

An earth crashing wind blew the lovers apart. Throwing them on opposite sides of the maze. And so, they tread on unknown grounds, searching desperately for a way back to each other. Back to what they knew, back to the safety of each other’s arms. Temptations stop them along the way, clouding the love they walked in with. But they don’t stop because love like theirs runs deep within the bones. No matter the storm, no matter the temptations. Until then, they continue to go through labyrinth-like obstacles to find the love that shines brighter than the stars lighting their way.

© Stephanie Cardozo and, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Stephanie Cardozo and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


Inevitably Tethered

A part of me was stolen, pinned to the sky, a cynosure for all to see.

He was kind and I was completely besotted by his velvety words.

There were no warning signs in his sapphire eyes. I should have seen the ice that resided past the warmth of his gaze.

A novice heart like my own never had a chance and somehow, a part of me always knew it wouldn’t last.

I danced and sang to the beat of his song. Entranced, I let the master of my heart take me beyond.

I let him crawl inside my body, and there he became Amadeus and I his symphony.

Wildly, passionately, he played every inch of my being.

I never thought to Pause for the slightest moment.

My body, a betrayer to my heart, responded to his lies with ecstasy.

Desire left me blind and cold in a labyrinth created by a love I could never control.

Forget what you think you know about love.

It’s much like the ocean, beautiful and mysterious, but ultimately, a deleterious path for anyone swimming with their eyes closed.





© Stephanie Cardozo and, 2017. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Stephanie Cardozo and with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.






Who Was Spartacus?

Spartacus, the television series first aired back in 2010. This show was an immediate hit and anyone with a taste of Roman and Greek history with gore, passion, quite a bit of sex and nudity, but ultimately, an amazing storyline performed by true artists, will be floored by this series. Spartacus is the star of the show. The story begins when the Romans deceive the Thracians into joining them in the fight against the Greeks. Spartacus is then taken as a slave along with his wife when he refuses to fight for the Romans. Spartacus’s journey begins at that moment as he desperately tries to break free and get back to his wife. My husband and I spent many nights binge watching this series and it’s still one of our favorites.

If you haven’t seen this eye-popping series, click below for the trailer.

And now, for the true purpose of this post. I recently watched the documentary of Andy Whitfield, the actor who played Spartacus in the first season. He sadly lost his battle against cancer in 2011, a very short time after the success of his role as the gladiator, Spartacus. Please head over to Sup Nerds! for my full review on the Andy Whitfield story: Be Here Now.

x Steph