Writing, Writing 101

Writing 101: Write A List

Day 2

“Things I’ve Learned”

I’ve learned quite a bit in the twenty-nine years I’ve walked the earth. I’ve learned that no matter how many times you screw up, there will always be an opportunity for you to get it right. I was pretty rebellious in my younger years and I’ve learned from every mistake I’ve ever made and how to prepare my girls for the world and not to make those same mistakes.

Becoming a parent changes you, and I remember being so scared when I had my first daughter. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to be in charge of the life of another little human. I wasn’t so sure I was someone I wanted her to look up to. I felt like I still had some growing up to do. Let’s be real here, I knew I had A LOT of growing up to do.

With time, I made necessary changes to my life and I have always made it my number one priority to make my girls happy and watching them grow into the smart and beautiful little girls they are today has brought such joy to my heart. They are both so smart and loving children.
Being their mother is the greatest reward I could ever have and I learn from them every day.

I’ve learned from also being someone’s partner. Before my husband and I were married we together for many years and we still learn things about each other. One of the biggest things we have learned as a couple is that patience is key. This is something I have always struggled with and although I feel I have gotten a bit better, It’s still a work in progress. We’ve learned to listen to one another and when we’ve forgotten to, we go back and try again.

Learning to hone up to mistakes, learning to be a better person, parent, and wife, these are all elements in my life that have helped me walk taller and given me courage to carry on.

I’ve learned how to manage my depression and anxiety with nutrition and exercise while paying it forward. Someone helped me and I only want to help others in their path to greatness as well. Am I an expert? Hell no! However, I can tell you that I’ve learned a lot about myself and I can share my experiences and offer the tools provided to me in becoming the best version of myself possible.

I’ve learned that no matter how hard I try, making everyone happy is unrealistic.

I’ve learned to trust myself as a writer, it turns out I’m not as shitty a writer as I thought. 😉

I’ve learned that taking even ten minutes to myself to breathe, stretch, write, read, etc., is imperative to my sanity as well. Meditation takes me to a place of peace and I’ve learned to utilize that as often as I can. 🙂

I’ve also learned that knowledge is limitless and for as long as I continue to walk the earth, I will always be learning, caring, loving, and sharing.


© Stephanie Cardozo and Stephanie Cardozo, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Stephanie Cardozo and Stephanie Cardozo with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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